As we enter 2022, we would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to support us through 2021. To everyone who came to our events; holiday camps, festivals, and more thank you. We hope you had as much fun as we did. We would like to thank everyone who worked with us to make these events possible, The Lambeth borough, Greenwich borough, Embassy of Peru, D’vianta Group, Taruarts, The Kooling Koala, ULatin TV, and everyone.
Providing services for our communities, making sure everyone is represented and included is what we hope to continue to do this year and for many years to come. We plan to continue our holiday camp and look forward to teaching the children fun activities. We also look forward to our festivals, and hope you will all come to laugh, dance, and eat.
We look forward to working with you all again and we hope to see you at our next event.