Currently active programmes

Kickboxing Classes for Children

Food bank Clapham Common

Food Bank

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Our Services

UK LATIN COMMUNITY CIC is a communitarian organisation. We produce, promote and broadcast a wide variety of audio-visual content, social and cultural events. We provided Food and Fun holiday camps, workshops for skill development, ESOL and other courses for the Latin-American community in the UK.

Some of the activities we offer are:

  • Filmmaking summer camps for teenagers during half-terms
  • Food and Fun holiday camps for children and young people.
  • Range of wellbeing classes (dance, yoga) across the year
  • Audio-visual content, (Documentaries, shortfilms and live stream)
  • Social and cultural events, (Celebrations with the local communities of Lambeth, Southwark, and Greenwich, for example, Afro Latin Festival during BHM)
  • Workshops for skill development, (Practical advice and training for entrepreneurs, e.g., Business plan for digital businesses and Marketing for small businesses.)


“UK LATIN COMMUNITY main objective is to become a community hub that supports families and individuals from BAME and other disadvantaged groups.”



We are aiming to enable the Latin American and BAME communities to empower them so they can integrate and contribute actively to the development of a more inclusive and diverse United Kingdom.

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